Commitment To Excellence


Our corporate philosophy is derived from a commitment to excellence in service with strict attention to detail, taking into consideration the flexibility required to adapt as conditions change. We focus on providing the best caliber of personnel available through a stringent selection process and ongoing training as a dedication to our philosophy of service, performance and professionalism.


  1. Potential Protection Officers for the Protection of Property and Security Monitoring Services are assessed through a selection process, of interviews and aptitude tests. Their qualifications, experience, knowledge and their ability to carry out their responsibilities within the required standards, independently. This is followed by obtaining a certification clearance for deployment as per requirements of the Police Licensing & Regulatory Department (PLRD), Singapore Police Force.
  2. Healthy and enthusiastic Retired Ex-Serviceman from (SAF) Singapore Armed Force, (SPF) Singapore Police Force, Singapore Prison Services, Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF) and other related Uniformed-Organizations are recruited with credence given to their extensive experience in security services.
  3. Candidates without the required experience or qualifications are recruited on a case by case basis depending on their potential and ability to excel in the profession after going through our stringent selection process. These individuals will then be provided with scholarships subsidy to attain formal training as security officers through the Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) program. The progression of such candidates can eventually lead to a Diploma qualification. Our organization is dedicated to excellence in service and thus commits to providing such candidates with added exposure into the industry by providing On-The-Job training as they are working towards attaining their qualifications. 
  4. We constantly update our security officers with the latest development within the security industry which may have an effect on their responsibilities as our commitment to on-going education and training. This allows us to ensure that all our security officers are confidently equipped with the most up to date knowledge to provide the best service available.


The Operations Team is dedicated to ensuring that all Security/Protection Officers deployed in any of our contracted sites are monitored daily as a second tier due diligence requirement. This includes telecommunications updates, attendance records disseminated to the Command Headquarters and regular on-site visits to ensure every individual is carrying out their responsibilities with the upmost standards.

Those who fall below the required standard are counseled and habitual offenders are reprimanded, which will finally lead to a termination of service.

1. Benefits and Welfare

All Security Personnel receive adequate benefits as per Employment Act and their salary is paid promptly and on time without fail.

  1. Salaries (paid on 15th and 30th / 31st of the every month) through GIRO
  2. Loans to protection officers / security guards are provided, whenever they are in dire need of money.
  3. Contribution to CPF, SDF, Mendaki, Sinda, ECF & CDAC.
  4. Uniforms are provided.
  5. One (1) day off a week.
  6. Work done in excess of 44 hours a week will be considered overtime and paid 1.5 times the ordinary hourly rate of basic pay.
  7. Annual Leave
    7 days paid annual leave prorated after 3 months of probationary period and an additional 1 day for each completed calendar year, Maximum 14 days paid annual leave.
  8. Medical Benefits
    i. 14 Days Medical Leave per calendar year, after probationary period. If Hospitalize Medical Leave can be extended to 60days.
    Hospitalization Group Insurance for deserving employee. For those who have completed one (1) year of continue service.
    Group Insurance (Life) for deserving officers.
  9. Work Injury Compensation Insurance Coverage.
  10. Public Liability Insurance Coverage for $1,000,000.00.

2. Human Resource Philosophies

The major problems are: –

  1. Shortage of manpower in Singapore.
  2. Reluctant to join security industry because of long working hours (12 hours per shift)
  3. Perhaps working hours are reduced to 8 hours a day in the near future to attract personnel to join Security Force.
  4. Performances are appraised and deserving officers are rewarded by Promotion or upgraded in Salary Scale, as a long-term strategy.
  5. Carrier Planning in the Field of security

All deserving security officer are send for up grading course based on their potentiality i.e. Security Supervisors’ Course and better qualified are trained at Management level.

3. Backup Services

All our security personnel are closely monitored while on the job by our field officers under the direct command of Head Operations:

  1. Ms Gwendolyn Susan – H/P 9664 5990 – Managing Director
  2. Mr Samuel Weers – H/P 9875 7059 – Director

We can also be connected on our 24-hour Hot Line: 6741 2938 . 


P & P Security Services Pte Ltd

Reliable Security Solutions Provider